"There are no limits to the majestic future which lies
before the mighty expanse of Canada with its virile,
aspiring, cultured, and generous-hearted people."
Sir Winston Churchill
Entering Canada or any other country nowadays can have many unexpected requirements. Do your part to find out what you need well in advance of your trip. Start with your passport. Make sure you have more than six months validity so that there will be no problems at any border crossing. Some countries will actually deny entry to a person carrying a valid passport, if the expiry date of the passport is within the next six months. Who knew? Anyway, contact the Canadian Embassy or Consulate nearest you to find out exactly what is required of you to ensure you can meet immigration requirements.

Customs Information
Toll Free: 1 800 461-9999
CANADIAN ENTRY REGULATIONSCitizens of the United States of America and permanent residents may cross the Canadian border without passports or visas, HOWEVER, to re-enter the United States, American citizens DO REQUIRE A PASSPORT. If you do choose to enter Canada without a passport, two pieces of identification are required to prove citizenship, one with photo:
- Birth Certificate
- Certificate of Citizenship
- Certificate of Naturalization
- Driver's License
If you are a permanent resident of the U.S, don't forget to bring your Permanent Resident Card (i.e., green card) with you. Residents of other countries are required to carry a valid passport, and may in some cases require a visa or other documentation to enter Canada. In any case, contact a Canadian Consulate nearest you for all requirements, and make sure you have proof of citizenship on your person.
If you'd like to read more about bringing goods into Canada, just click on this link to the Government Of Canada - Customs website which will be able to help you with many areas of interest. Click here on